Alternative Pain Relief for Cancer
Acupuncture and Aromatherapy
Acupuncture is a technique that involves placing needles in certain points on the body. Not only can it help with pain, it also can relieve nausea. Make sure that you go to a professional who is licensed in acupuncture, especially someone who is recommended by a trusted friend or professional. The most important reason for going to a vetted acupuncture specialist is that the needles must be sterile. Aromatherapy may be used in addition to acupuncture, or as a completely separate option. Scented oils produce a calming effect on cancer patients. Nausea and stress also are helped by aromatherapy, and this therapy can be combined with massage as well. While you do not need an expert to practice aromatherapy, beware of oils that may cause adverse reactions.
Biofeedback and Hypnosis
Consider biofeedback therapists and hypnotists as another method of addressing pain. With biofeedback, your body is hooked up to a machine and you, the therapist and the machine work together to determine how your actions can relieve maladies in the body. Once you and the therapist determine what is working, you can practice biofeedback on your own. Hypnosis, meanwhile, uses the soothing talk of a professional to put you in a state of subconsciousness. Once in this state of mind, the professional can work with you to address the sources of your pain. Always use a certified professional when trying hypnosis, and let the therapist know if you have a history of mental illness.
Meditation and Massage
Meditation is the act of focusing on one object or idea while practicing deep breathing. In addition to pain relief, meditation also may help address nausea and stress. Massage can also be helpful for pain relief. Use a licensed massage therapist. Avoid massage, however, if your blood count is low, and make sure to inform the therapist of areas on your body with surgical scars, as they should be avoided during a massage. Many massage therapists specialize in pain relief and can help you work out your pain issues.