Naturopathic Cancer Treatments
Acupuncture has been used as a naturopathic cancer treatment. With acupuncture, tiny needles are strategically placed on various pressure points on the patient's body. The acupuncturist can adjust the pressure of the needle stimulation and the technique for the type of cancer he is treating. For a cancerous tumor, the acupuncturist treats the patient for a congealed blood pattern and will use blood stimulating techniques. Success for treating cancer with acupuncture has been limited because many cancer patients do not seek alternative treatments for their cancer until the later stages of the disease, after other traditional methods have failed.
Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine is a naturopathic cancer treatment that treats the symptoms of a disease rather than the disease itself. Practitioners attempt to treat and prevent the imbalances that are caused by cancer by combining various plant extracts, herbs and minerals, such as ginseng, green tea and ginkgo. The herbal combinations are supposed to treat and prevent infections, hormone disturbances and various forms of cancer. Herbal medicine is not intended to cure cancer. It is meant to be used alongside other treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation. Herbalists believe their herbal remedies will help control pain, will help with the side effects of the traditional cancer therapies and will help to stop the tumor from spreading and growing. Herbal medicine also aims to build immunity to cancer.
Homeopathy is a naturopathic cancer treatment that treats the person's body and mind simultaneously. Those who practice homeopathy believe that the body and mind are so connected to each other that diseases such as cancer will not be cured until the patient's character and emotional state is addressed. Homeopathy will not actually treat the cancer; it will treat the cancer patient. It attempts to stimulate the patient's own desire to be healed to start the healing process in motion. Traditional medicine wants to destroy the cancerous tumor, whereas homeopathy wants the patient to destroy the tumor through his will in a mind-over-matter type treatment.
Clinical Nutrition
Clinical nutrition is a naturopathic cancer treatment that is inexpensive and helps to delay or prevent the onset of cancer. Clinical nutritionists claim that sugar feeds cancer, and they offer diet and supplements to encourage the patient to eat healthier and ingest the proper nutrients to starve the cancerous cells. Nutrition therapy is intended to force the patient's body to become less able to support cancerous growths. Almost half of cancer patients die from malnutrition.