Tamoxifen Side Effects in Women
Tamoxifen works as an anti-estrogen drug. Tamoxifen actually competes with the estrogen within a woman's body to attach itself to estrogen receptors located inside of breast cancer cells. Although it is high in the ranks of successful drug treatments regarding breast cancer survival success rates, it can prove extremely dangerous when used by women with cardiovascular disease, and so its use must be taken under careful considered in such cases.
Mild Side Effects
The American Cancer Society reports that most women suffering side effects from the use of tamoxifen suffer only mild side effects. Those mild effects include what are typically known as menopausal symptoms. Hot flashes, sweating, flushing of the skin, and heart palpitations may be combined with a nervous or anxious feeling. These side effects may be alleviated by developing a regular exercise routine.
In extremely uncomfortable cases, a woman's doctor may prescribe taking a break from using tamoxifen for 30 to 60 days to see if the symptoms ease a bit.
Moderate Side Effects
Moderate side effects of taking tamoxifen may include nausea and vomiting. Weight gain is quite likely. In addition, women may find themselves feeling increasingly fatigued. Mood changes and moderate depression may also set in. A mild anti-depressant may be prescribed for the depression.
Severe Side Effects
Post-menopausal women taking tamoxifen for the treatment of breast cancer are at a higher risk for developing endometrial cancer; or cancer of the uterus lining. For this reason doctors will perform regular tests on the uterus lining of these women. Early detection and treatment of endometrial cancer typically results in a full recovery.
In women who are still menstruating, tamoxifen can cause uterine tumors. Tamoxifen can worsen condition like endometriosis and can make menstrual periods irregular or often cause them to cease for long periods of time.
Although it is rare, tamoxifen has been known to cause cataracts in some women, as well as minor damage to the cornea and retina. A visit to an opthomologist is recommended when taking tamoxifen to rule out any potential eye problems.
Dangerous Side Effects
Blood clotting is a dangerous side effect of taking tamoxifen, and usually affects the legs. Known as deep vein thrombosis, these blood clots can break off in little pieces that risk reaching the lungs, resulting in pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary embolism is a serious, and possibly fatal condition.
Women taking tamoxifen run a higher risk of having a stroke than women who don't take the drug. Strokes while taking tamoxifen are more common in women who are overweight or have other underlying conditions like high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
Despite the side effects associated with taking tamoxifen for the treatment or prevention of breast cancer, treatment with tamoxifen is still considered far more advantageous than dangerous. Most of the side effects, including the serious ones, can either be prevented or treated with active medical monitoring.