Benefits of Using Pau D'Arco Tea for Cancer

Pau D'Arco Tea is an ancient Indian folk medicine from the Amazon rainforest in South America. It grows in Bolivia, Paraguay, Northern Argentina and Brazil. It is one of the best known herbs from that region. It is made from trees called Lapacho Colorado, Lapacho Morado or pau d'arco which means "bow stick." It gets that name because the natives make their archery bows out of the same wood.
  1. Significance

    • The tea is made from the tree's inner bark. Herbal healers say it attacks the cause of cancer and aids treatment toward tumor reduction and suppression.

    Time Frame

    • Proponents claim that in addition to immediate pain relief, patients no longer show symptoms of the cancer within 30 days of treatment.


    • Proponents say patients with leukemia or other cancers were relieved of their pain within hours after drinking the Pau D'Arco tea. According to American Cancer Society, studies suggest that lapachol and other compounds in the tea can impact some illnesses but it isn't known whether it will have that effect on humans.

    Expert Insight

    • According to University of Maryland Medical Center, studies evaluating pau d'arco's effect on cancer have not been conclusive. They show mixed results and even when the tea succeeds in reducing the number of cancer cells, the amount necessary would be toxic to people.


    • Pau D'Arco is comprised of chemical compounds as lapachol, isolapachone and lapachone. However, many practitioners credit its healing abilities to its tannins.


    • Pau D'Arco can intensify blood thinning effects from other medications, cause excessive bleeding, nausea or vomiting, and interact with other herbs or supplements.

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