How to Eat Anti Cancer Foods

Consider adding some anti cancer foods to your diet to fight the growth of tumors and other cancers in your body. Cancer rates have been climbing throughout the world. We are now starting to understand the benefits of many foods to inhibit the growth of cancer. A diet consisting of refined sugars, white flour, trans fats, oils, and fatty foods can be deadly from heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Add some of the following anti cancer foods to your diet to take control of your health.


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      Some of the most effective anti cancer foods are blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries, and strawberries. These berries are full of anti cancerous phenols, that can inhibit the ability of tumors to form and grow. There is very little difference in the anti-cancer benefits between fresh berries and frozen berries so eat them any time of year.

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      Eat more apples. The old saying an apple a day keep the doctor away is true. Apples contain the powerful antioxidants quercetin and procyanidins. These anti cancer antioxidants are known to inhibit skin, esophageal, lung, and prostate cancers.

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      Replace white flour foods with whole grains. It is much easier to now find good quality whole grain bread, rice, cereals, muffins, and bagels in the grocery. Surprising it is even quite easy to find whole grain pasta, cakes, cookies, pancakes, and waffles in the grocery or at restaurants. Whole grains contain both fiber and the anti cancer antioxidant phenols, saponins, lignans, and phytoestrogens. Whole grain foods can reduce the risk of colon and pancreatic cancers 30-40 percent. Whole grain foods have also been recently linked to the reduction in ovarian cancer.

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      Pomegranates are now more readily available in groceries so pick some up for their anti-cancer properties. They contain four effective anti cancer compounds, ellagic acid, caffeic acid, punicic acid, and luteolin. These compounds have been found to inhibit prostate, breast, and lung cancers.

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      Red wines and purple or red grapes contain many anti cancer phenols. Drink 5 oz of red wine or red or purple grape juice per day to reduce kidney cancer and Hodgkin's type cancers. Those with alcohol issues should stick with red grape juice options.

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      Avoid large amounts of grilled meats. A 2007 report in the Journal of Epidemiology linked breast cancer in women with consumption of large amounts of grilled meats.

      To limit the negative effects of grilled meat you can do the following. Trim the excess fat and remove the skin from any meat you are grilling. Avoid charring the meat by turning it frequently. If you do char the meat then try to remove any black parts. Marinate the meat for at least 30 minutes before grilling. The marinade will help to provide a barrier. Control the flames of the grill and the grease that drips from the meat.

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      For a sweet treat eat dark chocolate. Dark chocolates (not milk chocolate) contains the anti cancer antioxidants procyanidins, catechins, and epicatechins. These anti cancer antioxidants have been found to inhibit breast, prostate, liver, and colon cancers.

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