How to Use Raspberry Skin Cream for Skin Cancer
Things You'll Need
- Raspberry skin cream Raspberry seed capsules Soft cloth Gentle facial cleanser
Wash your face gently and thoroughly. This will help remove dirt and grime that might prevent the cream from penetrating your skin. Do not scrub; rub gently using first warm water, then your gentle facial cleanser and then warm water again. Do not use hot water.
Apply the raspberry skin cream to the affected areas of your face. Be sure to use cream made from real raspberries, not just scented cream. Many people use this cream as an overall moisturizer, and if the cream has SPF protection included in the ingredients, it can be used for sun protection as well. Rub it in gently, using circular motions. You can apply it as many as four times a day.
Take two raspberry capsules twice a day. You can take them at mealtimes to make taking them easier to remember. The raspberries will benefit you internally as well as externally.
Continue to take the capsules and apply the raspberry skin cream for six to eight weeks. Generally, you will get results--if you are going to get any--within this period.