How to Prevent Weight Loss During Cancer Treatment

Many factors interact to pose involuntary weight loss concerns for cancer patients. Nausea, vomiting and altered sense of taste can cause cancer patients to decrease their caloric intake. Additionally, cancerous tumors cause changes in metabolism that make cancer patients lose lean muscle tissue and fat stores. Maintaining a healthy weight during cancer treatment can help patients feel better and withstand the side effects of therapy. Read on to learn how to prevent weight loss during cancer treatment.


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      Plan menus and shop for food in advance. Your interest level in buying and preparing food can decrease as treatment progresses. Enlist the help of friends or family if you lose interest in shopping or preparing food.

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      Consume small meals and snacks frequently rather than the standard three meals a day. Large meals stimulate the release of greater amounts of stomach acids, which can trigger nausea.

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      Ask your doctor about liquid meal replacements when you are unable to tolerate solids. Your doctor can recommend high protein brands that increase your energy level, prevent weight loss and help your body build new tissue.

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      Increase the protein and calorie content of foods by adding gravies, butter or powdered milk. For example, prepare mashed potatoes with powdered whole milk and butter. Add powdered milk to puddings and milkshakes.

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      Substitute dairy foods and tofu for meat. Many cancer patients express an aversion to meat during cancer treatment, so substituting bland high-protein foods can prevent protein malnourishment.

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      Drink liquids between or after meals to prevent filling up on low calorie beverages. Choose liquids that offer nutritional value over the empty calories of soda or sweetened beverages. Drink milk, 100 percent fruit juice and broth.

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