How to Lessen the Side Effects of Laser Light Therapy
Wear protective clothing to shield your skin from the sun, especially when your treatment involves photosensitive drugs. Appropriate clothing includes long-sleeve shirts, long pants, gloves, hats and shoes.
Make sure you're eating well-balanced meals before and after your laser light therapy. When your body is receiving proper nutrients, it's in a better position to fight off potential infections and reduce unwanted side effects like nausea.
Consider picking up a stool softener or fiber supplements to lessen the risk of constipation. Alternatively, you can also stock up on foods like plums, grapes and prunes.
Soothe soreness and irritation at the cancer site by preparing a warm compress.
Ask your doctor about anti-inflammatory medication to help with swelling and soreness. For patients who are unable to take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication, your doctor may be able to prescribe you a safe alternative.