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How to Effectively Prevent Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer affects the cervix, the lower portion of the uterus. According to Women's Health website, the human papillomavirus (HPV) is the primary culprit for causing cervical cancer. Prior to the invention of the Pap smear, cervical cancer was the most deadly cancer for women; however, with early detection through Pap smears, treatments are highly effective. The most effective way to safeguard your health, however, is through cervical cancer prevention.


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      Get a cervical cancer vaccination from your gynecologist. There are two vaccines that guard against the human papillomavirus (HPV), which can cause cervical cancer, Cervarix and Guardasil. These vaccines are effective in females between the ages of 9 and 26. Both Cervarix and Guardasil come in sets of three vaccinations. You must receive all three shots to best protect against HPV.

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      Learn how to avoid contracting HPV. Since HPV causes most instances of cervical cancer, this is the most effective form of prevention. You can avoid contracting HPV through sexual abstinence or minimizing the amount of sexual partners you have. When engaging in sexual intercourse, always use a condom.

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      Quit smoking or - -better yet -- do not begin. Studies performed by the National Cancer Society show that current and former smokers are two to three times more vulnerable for getting cervical cancer than nonsmokers.

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