What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Advanced Cervical Cancer?
Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding
According to the Mayo Clinic, abnormal vaginal bleeding is defined as any bleeding which is not related to usual menstrual flow. This may include spotting in between periods, having abnormally heavy periods or bleeding for several weeks. Once cervical cancer has advanced to the point where it can be visually detected, abnormal bleeding often occurs (between periods, after intercourse and after menopause). The bleeding is caused by the cancer itself since cervical cancer creates new blood vessels as it grows. These blood vessels can easily break, leading to increased bleeding.
Abnormal Vaginal Discharge
Vaginal discharge is a white or clear fluid which exits the vagina and is produced by the cervix, uterus or vagina. According to the Cleveland Clinic, most women experience some vaginal discharge, the amount of which varies from woman to woman. While having some vaginal discharge is normal, some types of vaginal discharge can indicate an infection or a more serious condition, such as cervical cancer. As cervical cancer advances, it outgrows its supply of blood. This results in cellular death and infection of surrounding tissues. Advanced cervical cancer often causes a foul or watery vaginal discharge. Women who experience a continual flow of discharge which is foul-smelling and/or watery, pale, bloody, brown or pink should contact a doctor for an examination.
Pain/Swollen Leg
As cervical cancer develops, it often will grow toward the pelvic wall and may place pressure on nerves which run to the leg. This results in constant leg pain. If the cancer places pressure elsewhere in the pelvic cavity, it may cause pelvic or back pain. Occasionally, advanced cervical cancer will spread to the lymphatic system, which may become obstructed and cause swelling in one leg.
Additional Symptoms
Gynecologic Oncology points out that as cervical cancer progresses, it is possible that the cancer may obstruct the ureters which run from the kidneys to the bladder. If both tubes are obstructed, the result is kidney failure, coma and death. According to the National Institutes of Health, additional symptoms of advanced cervical cancer include diminished appetite, fatigue, weight loss, bone fractures and feces or urine leaking from the vagina (which may occur if an abnormal opening develops in the vagina).
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