Issues Surrounding Cervical Cancer Treatment
The Facts
Appropriate treatment options for cervical cancer depend on the size of the cancer, as well as its rate of progression and degree of intrusion into the cervix tissue, reports the American Cancer Society (ACS). The National Cancer Institute notes additional factors including a patient's age and future desire for children.
Limited Cancer
The Mayo Clinic cites several treatment options for cancer limited to the outer layer of the cervix. These include laser surgery, hysterectomy (uterus removal), cryosurgery to freeze and kill cancer cells and surgical removal of the tissue that contains the cancer (cone biopsy).
Invasive Cancer
Treatment options for cancers that invade deeper tissues of the cervix include hysterectomy, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, reports the Mayo Clinic.
Palliative Treatment
The ACS notes that sometimes doctors cannot cure cervical cancer. In these cases, treatments may aim at palliative care, or the relief of symptoms and patient discomfort.
The ACS recommends that individuals diagnosed with cervical cancer take the time to consider their treatment options. In many cases, a second opinion can add helpful information.