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Cervical Cancer Early Treatment
Catching cervical cancer at stage 0 or stage 1 is considered early detection. Stage 0 means that there are abnormal cells around the cervix that could turn into cancer in the future. Stage 1 means that there are actual cancerous cells on the cervix but that they haven't spread to any other part of the body, according to Cancer.gov.-
Simple Surgery
Three types of simple surgical procedures are available to remove stage 0 cervical cancer: conization, cryosurgery and laser surgery.
A loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) moves an electrical current through the abnormal cells with thin wire. This kills the suspicious cells.
Internal Radiation
Early cervical cancer can be treated with seeds or wires implanted near the cancerous site. They emit radiation to the designated area only.
Some patients opt for a total hysterectomy. This is more radical for stages 0 and 1, but family history sometimes warrants this type of treatment.
Lymph Nodes
Although stage 1 cervical cancer indicates no spread to the lymph nodes, more advanced stage 1 patients sometimes choose this surgery to prevent future spreading.