Cervical Cancer Treatment Protocols
Conization is a surgical procedure also known as a cone biopsy. It is used to diagnose cervical cancer, and it is also used as treatment in stages 0 and IA.
Cyrosurgery is the surgical process of freezing and destroying abnormal tissue. It is used to treat stage 0 cervical cancer.
There are several types of surgery for cervical cancer. This can include anything from simple laser surgery to a radical hysterectomy. The type of surgery depends on the stage of the cancer; the higher the stage, the more extreme the surgical procedure. Surgery may not be recommended after Stage IIA.
Radiation Therapy
There are two types of radiation therapy for cervical cancer. External or beam radiation is given through a machine outside of the body. Internal radiation is given in the form of seeds, needles, wires, or catheters placed directly into the cancer. Radiation is a treatment considered for all stages.
There are two types of chemotherapy for cervical cancer treatment. In systemic chemotherapy, chemicals injected into the bloodstream travel through the body and kill the cancer cells. Regional chemotherapy involves putting the drugs in the spinal column, organ, or a body cavity. Chemotherapy is used for stages IB to IVB.
Clinical Trails
Clinical trials are recommended by the National Cancer Institute for all stages of cervical cancer, but they are especially used to treat the more advanced stages. Clinical trials feature experimental treatments for cervical cancer. Present treatments came out of earlier clinical trails and new advancements are always being made.