Endometrial Vs. Cervical Cancer
Causes of Cervical Cancer
The main cause of cervical cancer is human papillomavirus, which is a common infection spread through sexual contact. Other causes of cervical cancer may include smoking, long-term use of birth control pills and having a lot of children.
Causes of Endometrial Cancer
Factors that increase the risk of endometrial cancer include age, long-term use of estrogen without progesterone for hormone replacement therapy and obesity (some estrogen is made in fatty tissue).
Endometrial and cervical cancer have similar symptoms, including abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge, pelvic pain and pain during intercourse. Many times, these symptoms don't occur during the early stages of cervical cancer.
Endometrial cancer occurs after menopause. Cervical cancer can occur at any time. Both cancers are diagnosed through Pap tests and biopsies. Cervical cancer is also diagnosed with colposcopy which looks at the cervix; endometrial cancer is also diagnosed with a transvaginal ultrasound which examines the uterus.
Both cancers are commonly treated with surgery and radiation therapy. Endometrial cancer may also be treated with hormonal therapy; cervical cancer can be treated with chemotherapy.