Reasons for a Pap Smear
Many health care providers recommend Pap smears for women ages 18 to 65 years because women in this demographic are most likely to develop cervical cancer.
Sexual Activity and History
Women who are sexually active, or who have a history of unprotected sexual activity, should have regular Pap smears because cervical cancer has been associated with HPV (human papillomavirus), a sexually transmitted disease that often goes undetected.
Family or Personal History of Cervical Cancer
Pap smears are recommended for women who have a personal or family history of cervical cancer to detect cancerous or precancerous cells before they become advanced.
HIV Infection
Women who are infected with HIV should have regular Pap smears because vaginal infections are often more serious for those infected with HIV.
Vaginal or Menstrual Irregularities
Women who report vaginal or menstrual irregularities to their health care provider are often given a Pap smear as a diagnostic tool.