Cervical Cancer & Exercise
Exercise Theory
According to the American Cancer Society, performing regular exercise is important for both the individual diagnosed with cervical cancer and those merely looking to steer clear of a threatening disease. A study conducted by the National Cancer Institute concluded that obesity can double your risk of developing cervical cancer, so keeping your body weight at manageable levels is one goal with which exercise can assist. Note that while this only applies to one form of cervical cancer (cervical adenocarcinoma), the impact of contracting any form of cervical cancer is the same, so do not ignore the threat on that account. For existing cervical cancer patients, the ACS has found that regular exercise can help to maintain lean mass and improve mood throughout treatment, providing a superior prognosis than individuals who do not make the effort to train through the rigors of cervical cancer.
Exercise Recommendations
Aim to perform at least five days of training per week, with each training session consisting of at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity. This activity can consist of something as simple as rigorous yard work, a brisk walk in the park or participation in an exercise class such as Pilates, yoga or other cardiovascular activity. Recommendations change slightly if you are already diagnosed with cervical cancer. In that case, while 30 minutes of exercise performed five days a week is the goal, perform only as much as your body can handle at any time, as some exercise will always be better than none.