Abnormal Pap Test & Lower Back Pain
Pap Smear
A Pap test (also called a Pap smear) is a test that screens for abnormal changes to the cervix. If the results of your Pap test are abnormal, your doctor will likely perform other tests to investigate further.
Cervical Cancer
In its early stages, cervical cancer has few symptoms, according to MedLine Plus, which makes it important to get regular Pap screenings, especially if you have had multiple sexual partners. One of the possible early signs is bleeding outside of your normal menstrual cycle.
Back Pain
While back pain, especially in the lower back, is a symptom of late-stage cervical cancer, it's not among the more common symptoms. More common symptoms include pelvic pain, heavy vaginal bleeding, weight loss and fatigue.
While back pain can have numerous benign causes, it is also a symptom of other gynecological cancers, including ovarian and uterine cancer. See a doctor for any unexplained lower back pain that doesn't go away after a week or two.
Early detection of cervical cancer is crucial. According to CancerHelp UK, the survival rate for cancer that has not spread beyond the cervix is between 90 and 99 percent depending on the factors involved. Cervical cancer is slow-growing, so having a regular Pap test greatly increases the chances of finding it early.