Cervical Cancer & Groin Pain
Cervical Cancer Info
Among women worldwide, cervical cancer is the third most common type. Cervical cancers affect the cells on the outside surface of the cervix. Like prostate cancer in men, cervical cancer is fairly slow to develop and can be detected early in its precancerous state through regular examinations.
Most cases of early stage cervical cancer present no noticeable symptoms. When symptoms do appear, they include abnormally heavy periods, vaginal discharge and abnormal vaginal bleeding. As these are symptoms that could easily signal any number of conditions, it is important to be sensitive to changes in the functioning of your reproductive organs if you do not visit your gynecologist on a regular basis.
Groin Pain
Groin pain can be a symptom of advanced cervical cancer, which potentially signals metastasis. Metastasis is the term used for cancers which spread beyond their point of origin to infect surrounding tissue. Groin pain can occur when the cancer spreads into the bones or other areas of the groin, triggering frequent pain that ranges from mild to severe.
When groin pain signals the spread of cancer to surrounding regions, treatment options often become more severe. According to the Mayo Clinic, radiation therapy may be used. Radiation therapy involves using focused high levels of radiation directed at the affected tissue to eliminate the infected areas. Another treatment option for advanced forms of cervical cancer is chemotherapy, which is the injection of low levels of poisonous chemicals designed to kill cells, both friendly and cancerous.
Groin pain can occur for any number of reasons. If you are experiencing groin pain and visit your gynecologist regularly, it is far more likely you are not suffering from cervical cancer. If you are experiencing groin pain and have not seen a gynecologist regularly or are experiencing some of the other cervical cancer symptoms, make a doctor's appointment to have yourself examined as soon as possible.