Foods That Prevent Cervical Cancer
Citrus Fruits and Juices
Studies at Albert Einstein College of Medicine have shown that women who take in less than 30 mg of vitamin C per day were more than 10 times as likely to develop the beginning stages of cervical cancer, called dysplasia, as women who consume more. Foods rich in vitamin C such as citrus fruits and fruit juices are simply not an option in the diet of women. They have been shown to reduce the likelihood of developing cervical cancer by almost 30 percent.
Add Color to Your Diet
Foods that are yellow and red contain numerous healing properties including beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein and alpha-carotene. Tomatoes are rich in carotenoids and are showing promise in the fight against cervical dysplasia. Carrots and pumpkin are also rich in alpha-carotene. Papaya and dried peaches are two delicious fruits that contain beta-cryptoxanthin, a valuable caratenoid. Deep green, leafy foods such as raw spinach and parsley are high in cancer-fighting lutein.
The official verdict is still out. But flavonoids are being considered as a major source of protection against cervical cancer. Since adding flavonoids to your diet can only help you, consider adding more to your diet until the studies, which are heavily leaning in their favor, are complete. Apples, broccoli, cabbage, garlic, onions and asparagus are all rich in flavonoids. Red wine also contains large amounts of flavonoids, but should only be consumed in moderation.
Folate-Filled Foods
Folate is a water-soluble form of vitamin B. People with HPV have seen reduced risk in cervical cancer when adding significant amounts of folate to their diets. It is thought that folate keeps HPV infection from returning repeatedly, reducing the chance of developing cervical cancer. Foods that contain folate include avocados, lentils, orange juice, strawberries and chickpeas, as well as many fortified cereals.
Suggested Diet
An easy way to add these cancer-fighting foods to your diet is to incorporate them into each meal. A breakfast that includes orange juice, yogurt and cantaloupe will start your day right. Enjoy a vegetable sandwich at lunch that includes sliced avocado, romaine lettuce, tomatoes and red peppers. Add black beans to your quesadillas for dinner or eat a salad with many of the fresh vegetables listed here and indulge in a fruit salad with strawberries and grapefruit for dessert.