Cryosurgery Hysterectomy Treatment for Cervical Cancer
Cryosurgery has given women another option to treat pre-cancerous conditions of the cervix with minimal pain, bleeding, and down time, and the procedure can be done in a doctor's office with no anesthesia.
Cryosurgery is not used to treat cervical cancer. It is used to freeze and destroy abnormal cells that may become cancerous. Hysterectomy, either through the vagina or through the abdomen, is used in the event that cryosurgery failed in destroying the abnormal cells and cancer is a result.
Time Frame
Women who have undergone cervical cryosurgery will need to have follow-up pap exams every three to six months for at least one year. Some women will need a second cryosurgical procedure.
Cervical cryosurgery is not just for pre-cancerous conditions, but is also for the treatment of lesions and cervicitis. Successful cryosurgery may very well prevent the need for a hysterectomy.
Women that undergo cervical cryosurgery may not be able to become pregnant or successfully carry a pregnancy to term.
Although cryosurgery is less invasive, less painful, and without the need for anesthesia, the proceedure is not without risk. Follow up exams are needed to ensure that the pre-cancerous cells and/or lesions were successfully removed.