Natural Treatments for Cervical Cancer
Complementary naturopathic treatment during any stage of cervical cancer may also be included in the patient's treatment plan at her discretion. However, naturopathic remedies are not a substitute for a conventional medical treatment plan and should not be considered a cure. The scope of naturopathic treatment may include dietary changes, physical treatment, Eastern remedies, psychological counseling and botanical supplements.
Dietary Needs
Naturopathic treatment places emphasis on the food the patient consumes. In addition to prescribing a healthy diet, a naturopathic healer may recommend natural supplements, or in some cases, fasting.
Physical Treatment
Naturopathic treatment can include deep tissue massage, exercise, hydrotherapy and deep heating of the muscles to provide physical relaxation to patients with cervical cancer.
Eastern Remedies
Naturopathic treatment embraces Chinese medicine and particularly acupuncture, which holistic healers claim helps the patient's body to heal more quickly.
Psychological Treatment
Naturopathic treatment places great emphasis on counseling and hypnotherapy to help patients cope with the anxiety and depression caused by cancer.
Botanical Supplements
Proponents of naturopathic treatments claim that organic treatments derived from plants have fewer side effects than traditional medication. Additionally, botanical treatments purportedly treat the effects the cancer has on the entire body in a generalized rather than localized fashion.