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How to Pass Time During Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy provides life-saving chemicals to kill growing cancer cells in your body. You can take chemotherapeutic drugs orally, have chemotherapy creams applied directly to affected areas or take it through an intravenous line. Depending on your treatment regimen, you may receive chemotherapy at your doctor's office, in a hospital setting or at home. If you don't take chemo orally, you can expect to spend some quality time at your doctor's office or in the hospital. Chemo treatments can average between one or more hours. To help pass the time, provide yourself with activities to keep busy.

Things You'll Need

  • Book or magazines
  • Laptop
  • Music
  • DVDs
  • Pillow
  • Blanket
  • Stationery
  • Journal
  • Handcrafts
  • Snacks
  • Drinks
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      Ask your physician if you can have a family member or friend sit with you during your treatment. Some chemotherapy centers have sitting rooms that allow you to converse with other cancer patients during treatment.

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      Let your mind take you to another place and time through the magic of a book.

      Read a book. Alternatively, bring a stack of magazines.

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      Peruse the Internet -- play a game or read the news -- to pass the time away.

      Call your chemo center in advance to inquire about an Internet connection. Many centers allow you to use your laptop during the session.

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      Tune out your surroundings.

      Listen to music to help you relax. If your center doesn't have a radio available, bring along your own music player and headphones.

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      Catch up on movies.

      Watch a movie. Some centers allow you to pass the time with DVDs.

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      Sleep during your treatment. Bring a pillow and blanket in case you get cold during your treatment.

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      Compose letters or begin a journal. Develop a list of activities you'd like to pursue when your chemo is completed.

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      Bring craft projects to work on during sessions.

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