What Does AUC Mean in Chemotherapy?
Area Under the Curve
The "curve" referred to in AUC is the curve on a concentration-versus-time graph. The concentration of a drug in the patient's blood is plotted against the time when the sample was taken. The area beneath this curve is measured with basic calculus.
Calvert Formula
The calvert formula is commonly used to determine the best dose of chemotherapeutic drug for a patient. It states that the dose is equal to the desired AUC multiplied by the patient's glomerular filtration rate (GFR). GFR is a measure of how quickly a patient eliminates the drug from his body.
Clinical Uses
The calvert formula is used to determine the dose of chemotherapy drugs such as 5-fluorouracil and carboplatin. AUC is a quick measure of how much of the drug an individual has been exposed to in a given amount of time. Keeping the AUC within a defined range helps limit the dangerous side effects of chemotherapy.