Chemotherapy for Treatment of Cervical Cancer
Chemotherapy Process
Chemotherapy involves administration of anti-cancer medications like pacitaxel and interleukin-2 either orally or injecting intravenously. These drugs travel through the bloodstream and help to kill the malignant cancer cells.
Time Frame
Duration for which chemotherapy is administered varies from patient to patient; however, in most cases, chemotherapy is administered periodically over four to five months.
Elderly patients and those who cannot undergo surgical removal of the cancer can undergo chemotherapy and other non-invasive treatment options.
Side Effects
Loss of hair, appetite loss, skin irritations and extreme tiredness are some of the common side effects linked with chemotherapy.
Chemotherapy is commonly of two major types, neoadjuvant chemotherapy and adjuvant chemotherapy. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is administered prior to surgery in order to increase the effectiveness of the surgical process. Adjuvant chemotherapy is administered post surgery, in order to avoid the recurrence of the cancer.