Difference of Blood Transfusion Vs. Platelet Transfusion
The first successful human blood transfusion occurred in 1818. Anticoagulants were developed in 1914, facilitating the preservation of donated blood. The first blood bank was founded in 1932.
Blood transfusions may be given to people with anemia, patients undergoing major surgeries, people with traumatic injuries, burn victims, and cancer patients receiving chemotherapy treatments.
Types of blood transfusions include red blood cell transfusions, white blood cell transfusions, plasma transfusions and platelet transfusions.
Platelet Transfusions
Platelets are small cells in blood that aid in clotting. Illnesses such as leukemia or treatments like chemotherapy can lower platelet counts. Low platelet counts can occasionally lead to severe bleeding, so platelet transfusions can help keep patients safe.
Jehovah's Witnesses refuse blood transfusions; they view blood as deeply significant and representative of life.