What to Avoid While on Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy can wreak havoc on your body, weakening the immune system in the process. This leaves you vulnerable to colds, flu and other contagious diseases, which then further weaken your immune system as it tries to battle cancer. Therefore, you should avoid anyone who appears to be getting sick. This may mean canceling plans or taking extra precautions, such as wearing a surgical mask, when these individuals cannot be avoided. Chemo patients should also wash their hands multiple times a day, especially when out in public. Doorknobs, handshakes and anything with a lever, handles, dial, button or switch should not be touched by the naked hand. Decline handshakes, or wash your hands directly after contact. Use elbows or shirt sleeves or rely on other people to engage and operate elevators and doors. Do your best to avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth or ears when you're out of your home.
Salty and Acidic Substances
Cancer Supportive Care Programs lists a sore mouth or throat as common side effects of chemo. This can be caused by dryness, the formation of ulcers or an inflammation of the gastrointestinal lining. Unfortunately, there are not many treatment options available for these conditions, which must be left to clear up on their own, in approximately one to two weeks. However, there are certain properties in food that can irritate these conditions, thereby prolonging their existence. The biggest culprits are salt, spices and acids. It's best to avoid foods like soups, ethnic cuisine and fruits like oranges, grapefruits and tomatoes while these side effects are present.
Your Favorite Foods
Marisa Weiss, M.D., president and founder of BreastCancer.org, notes that some medical oncologists advise their patients to avoid their favorite foods while undergoing chemotherapy. This is because the unpleasantness that chemotherapy and its side effects bring can become associated with these foods. Many chemo patients have trouble eating due to a loss of appetite. They try to fight this by allowing themselves their favorite foods in the hopes that they will spur their appetite. However, another side effect of chemo is nausea and vomiting, which also make it hard for cancer patients to consume enough calories a day. When you combine your favorite foods with strong side effects like loss of appetite and vomiting, you may begin to make a negative association with these foods. This can turn you off of them completely, even after cancer is in remission. Therefore, many oncologists like Dr. Weiss recommend eating a bland diet, especially since many chemo patients experience a loss of taste.