How to Minimize Side Effects of Chemotherapy
You can fight fatigue, the most common side effect, in several ways. Arrange your daily schedule in a way that affords time to rest. Instead of resting for one long period, take short naps and breaks during the day. If feasible, take short walks or engage in light exercise; this can ease fatigue and increase energy. Prioritize activities and your time and save your energy for the most important things. Cut back or eliminate caffeine and alcohol.
Keep up your appetite up by fighting off nausea and vomiting. Drink liquids apart from your meals and in small amounts. Eat smaller meals throughout the day rather than three big ones. By consuming cold or room-temperature foods you can avoid strong odors that might bother you. Avoid sweet, fatty and fried foods. Eat a light meal before your treatment. Stay away from your favorite foods when you feel nauseous; this can lead to an aversion.
Talk to your doctor about pain medications and other relief measures if you feel they are necessary. Talk openly about pain and the medications you are using to make sure your doctor provides the most effective regimen for you. If you find his suggestions are not working, consider seeking out a pain specialist.
Try acupuncture. It can ease your pain, fatigue, nausea and vomiting.