Weight Loss After Chemotherapy
It is normal for weight to fluctuate slightly up or down after chemotherapy. But if you lose more than 5 lbs. in a week during chemotherapy, you should notify your doctor, according to www.chemocare.com. Significant weight loss can be a result of the body reacting to the chemotherapy or underlying causes that have resulted from the treatment.
Weight loss due to chemotherapy is generally the result of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and loss of appetite. During the late stages of chemo treatment, some patients may develop anorexia, or a complete aversion to food, which can result in a dramatic weight loss, according to the University of Florida Shands Cancer Center.
The best way to treat weight loss after chemotherapy is to do your best to maintain your weight by eating well. Your doctor can treat underlying causes of weight loss such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea to help decrease significant weight loss.
Your physician may refer you to a dietitian. A dietitian will be able to recommend foods that add a high calorie content to your diet. These foods include vitamin enriched drinks, dairy, eggs, meat and oils. Dietitians can help you pinpoint whether your weight loss is a result of a poor diet and eating habits. Nutritional supplements may be another recommendation to help you maintain your weight after chemotherapy.
If you experience irregular heart beat, rapid breathing, weight loss consisting of 5 lbs. or more in a week, extreme fatigue, confusion and dizziness, you should consult your physician immediately. Too much weight loss can be dangerous to the body and may even be fatal if not treated properly.