Fatal Chemotherapy Side Effects
Bone Marrow Suppression
Chemotherapy kills different types of rapidly-growing cells, including those found in bone marrow. Cancer Care states that when their bone marrow is suppressed by chemotherapy, people can have low white and red blood cell counts. Individuals with low blood cell counts are at risk for developing life-threatening infections and/or anemia.
Nerve Changes
Vincristine, paclitaxel and cisplatin are chemotherapy drugs that can cause nerve damage in the central nervous system, which includes the brain and nervous system. They can also harm the cranial and peripheral nerves and cause hearing, vision and balance problems, according to the American Cancer Society.
Lung Problems
Chemotherapy drugs, such as bleomycin, can sometimes cause permanent damage to the lungs, according to the American Cancer Society. Lung damage can cause breathing problems, according to Cancer Research UK.
Kidney Problems
Chemotherapy drugs, such as cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and ifosfamide, can cause kidney damage. People who have a history of kidney problems and undergo chemotherapy are at risk for experiencing kidney failure, according to the American Cancer Society.
Heart Damage
Some chemotherapy drugs, such daunorubicin and doxorubicin, can cause heart disease or permanent heart damage. When the heart is damaged, it is not able to pump blood to different parts of the body, according to the American Cancer Society.
Other Cancers
People who undergo chemotherapy are at risk for developing other cancers, such as types of leukemia and lymphoma.