Side Effects of Cytoxan
Common Side Effects
Many users of Cytoxan experience these hair loss, loss of appetite, skipped menstrual periods, stomachache or stomach discomfort, nausea, malaise, skin discoloration, skin rash, change in texture of fingernails, diarrhea, vomiting and weakness. If these side effects become particularly bothersome, alert your doctor.
Serious Side Effects
Some potentially harmful side effects of the medication include seizures, extreme stomachache, hallucinations, black, tarry, or bloody stools, lingering cough, lower backache, abdominal ache, urinating more or less frequently, bloody urine, swelling, pain, or redness where the medicine was injected, abnormal weakness or fatigue, jaundice (eyes or skin), infection, sore throat, shortness of breath, fever, chills, chest ache, pneumonia, urination being painful, sores inside of the mouth, the feet or hands swelling up and abnormal bleeding or bruising. If you experience any serious side effects, get immediate emergency medical assistance.
Allergic Reactions
Some signs of allergic reaction include chest tightness, swelling, skin rash, hives, itching, and having a hard time breathing. Seek emergency medical care if you experience any of these reactions.
Bladder Problems
Cytoxan can result in some bladder problems due to toxic byproducts being emitted in the urine. It can lead to bladder infections with fibrosis and bleeding. To decrease the risk of this occurrence, consume between 3 and 4 liters of fluids on a daily basis. This will dilute the urine and cause frequent urination, lessening the toxic contact with the bladder.
Toxic Side Effects
Some people are at a much higher risk of experiencing toxic side effects of Cytoxan. People with the following conditions are at an increased risk: liver disorder, bone marrow tumor, kidney disorder and blood disorder (either low platelet or white blood cell count).