Where to Find Prayers for Chemotherapy Patients
Places of worship
The best place to find people who will pray for a chemotherapy patient is a church. If the patient attends regularly, then you should start is by talking to the pastor, minister or rabbi at that particular place of worship. However, if the person undergoing chemotherapy doesn't have a home congregation, then family members who attend services can ask for prayer on the patient's behalf. Even if nobody in the patient's family has a religious home, many religious leaders are very open to being approached for prayer. Simply call up the clergy and explain your prayer need. Another option is to call one of the many prayer request lines available. Silent Unity has a 24-hour toll free prayer request line. Simply call 1-800-NOW-PRAY (1-800-669-7729). Unity in Community also offers a 24 hour prayer request line: (740) 362-4214.
Going online is another way to find a variety of organizations that will let you call, write or submit a prayer request via email. Simply go to your preferred search engine and type in the phrase "prayer request." You will find over 6 million results and several websites that will allow you to ask for prayer. You can also make an email request, asking your friends and family members to pray and pass your request on to other people they know. You might even consider using your Facebook, MySpace or Twitter accounts to seek prayer.
Prayer Templates
Some specific prayers have already been written to request help for patients who are undergoing chemotherapy. Again you can go online and search for something like "prayers for chemotherapy patients." Doing so will bring up several websites for you to explore that have prayers that you can use if you are having trouble coming up with your own words. Here is a partial sample of one such prayer found at http://www.prayer-for-cancer.com/:
"We pray for all those undertaking chemotherapy 'chemo' medicine or drugs to treat the disease, that the Lord will work out His perfect will in your situation and bring about healing. We ask that The Great Physician will heal all those that have undergone surgery and radiation therapy and that the fire of God will destroy all the cancer cells. We speak peace to all the patients and ask the healing virtue of Our Lord God will flow through every vein, tissue, cell, ligament and that healing will manifest. We believe that God's desire is manifest in your life."