Remedies for Nausea in Cancer Patients
Start With Small Meals
Avoid eating right before a chemotherapy treatment. This can reduce feelings of nausea at the outset. When you do decide to eat, make your meals small and space them out over the course of the day. Eat several small meals rather than three big ones. Eat healthy foods, but those that you enjoy. Steer clear of very sweet, fatty or oily foods as they can upset your stomach.
Avoid Bad Odors
Being around things that smell bad can cause nausea and vomiting following a chemotherapy treatment. Strong odors in general may be enough to trigger nausea. Even the smell of foods you normally enjoy cooking can be a turn-off. To stave off nausea, try to avoid being in situations where you'll be exposed to foul smells. If you must cook, stick to bland, less odorous ingredients.
Stay Hydrated
Drinking plenty of water can help to eliminate the urge to vomit. It's best not to gulp it down, however. Instead, drink cool juices, teas, water and ginger ale slowly. Sip it throughout the day to calm an upset stomach. At the very least, you'll prevent dehydration if you do vomit.
Use Ginger
Ginger is great for reducing nausea. You can chew fresh ginger root, eat ginger candy, drink ginger ale, eat gingersnaps or even use it in your normal cooking. It helps to quell nausea and can be added to just about anything for a soothing affect on your stomach.