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Side Effects of Myeloma Treatments

Myeloma, as well as other types of cancer, is tricky to cope with. Every person is unique and reacts differently to the chemotherapy and other treatments employed to fight the disease. Like cancer, multiple myeloma is treated with chemotherapy, radiation and even stem cell transplantation. These treatments can create a number of different reactions and side effects within the bodies of the patients.
  1. Infections

    • Chemotherapy and radiation treatments are commonly used to combat myeloma. Either of those forms of treatment can cause your white blood cells to decrease or cease functioning, making you especially prone to infection. In order to help stave off infection, monitor your body's temperature during the weeks immediately following chemotherapy or radiation treatment. If your temperature reaches 100 degrees F or more, call the doctor. The doctor may also recommend that you have some basic immunization shots in order to prevent potential problems with infection.


    • One of the most common side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatment is nausea. Before you undergo treatment, the doctor should administer antinausea medication. Make sure to ask about it in order to ensure that you receive the proper care and diligence. Try sticking to simple foods that are easy to digest, such as yogurt and cereal.


    • Almost all treatments and therapies for myeloma will exhaust you, and for good reason. Your body is being subjected to intense light and heat in order to overcome potentially lethal disorders, so being exhausted is to be expected. Your doctor might recommend some medications for this symptom. Some patients have found that meditation and aromatherapy can be helpful in alleviating their fatigue.

    Hair Loss

    • An unfortunate side effect of chemotherapy and radiation therapy is hair loss. Rather than looking for some kind of drug or prescription from a doctor, it would be better to find peace with the fact that hair loss is possible. Wigs and toupees are options. Another option would be to just live with hair loss for a while. Just because it's gone right now doesn't mean it will always be gone.

    Weight Loss

    • Another common side effect of myeloma treatment is weight loss. Between the stress of the situation itself, the worry about the results and the feelings of nausea, it is rather difficult for a myeloma patient to eat and keep down food. As a result, combined with the overall fatigue that hits patients of chemo and radiation therapies, weight loss is almost inevitable. One simple solution is to make food readily available and have it on hand everywhere you go, so that you can eat whenever you are hungry, and try to eat protein- and calorie-dense foods to minimize weight loss. There are also medications for this, but that needs to be at the doctor's discretion.

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