Dieting Tips While on Chemotherapy
Eating Habits
Chemotherapy can kill your appetite as it kills the cancer cells. You may find it hard to swallow and can have dry mouth and mouth sores. You will have to learn to enjoy foods again. This may be difficult because chemo can also make you nauseous. The first step in a diet with chemotherapy is to eat smaller meals more frequently. It may be difficult to sit down for large meals, so try eating smaller portions spaced more often throughout your day.
When the cells are killed in your body it can cause a lot of protein turnover. Try eating a diet that is rich in proteins in order to have more energy. Good sources of protein are eggs, meats, nuts, beans, and milk and cheese. Protein supplements are also a good idea. You should be taking in more protein than you normally would while you are on chemotherapy. Fruits (especially bananas) and vegetables are good choices for a balanced diet, but most of your calories should come from protein. High-calorie and protein milkshakes are also good choices.
Food to Avoid
Because chemo can cause nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and mouth sores, there are foods that you should avoid eating while undergoing treatments. Hot and spicy foods can upset the stomach and burn the mouth. Fatty, greasy and fried foods can settle heavy on the stomach and should be avoided. Foods high in sugar can actually feed cancer cells and should not be eaten. Other foods that should be avoided while taking chemo are large meals, foods with strong smells and alcohol.