What Is CMF Chemotherapy?
The three different drugs all cooperate to fight the breast cancer. Each of the drugs fight the cancer cells in a different manner. The cyclophosphamide works by connecting itself to the DNA of the cancer cells, which then becomes tied up and becomes incapable of duplicating itself. The methotrexate stops the cells from using folic acid, which is a vitamin that is crucial for the growth of the cancer cells. If they do not get folic acid, they simply die. The fluorouracil is composed of molecules that closely resemble normal cell molecules, but they have a slight difference in structure, which is sufficient to stop them from working normally, once fluorouracil gets to them. When cells are unable to work normally, they then die.
The three drugs are all administered in different ways. The cyclophosphamide is a transparent, clear fluid that is administered as a drip. However, some people get their cyclophosphamide as tablets, and that happens over a period of several weeks. Methotrexate is given as an injection, and is a yellowish fluid. It is given along with a salt water (saline) drip, into the cannula (a tube that can be placed into the body). Flourouracil is another clear fluid that is injected into the body in the same manner as methotrexate.
Side Effects
There are some possible side effects that can occur from receiving CMF chemotherapy. These side effects include anemia (a decreased amount of red blood cells), bleeding or bruising, decreased resistance to infection, nausea, throwing up, fatigue, loss of hair, dry mouth, sore mouth, small ulcers, changes of taste, blurry vision, diarrhea, bladder irritation and changes of the skin (such as itchiness or a rash).
Drug Interactions
There are some medications that might be harmful to take while having CMF chemotherapy. It is crucial that a doctor is informed of all the medications a person undergoing this treatment is taking, including herbal medicines. Painkillers like ibuprofen are known to make CMF chemotherapy's side effects heightened.
For women who are undergoing CMF chemotherapy, it is strongly advised that they do not become pregnant while the treatment is happening. This is due to the fact that it could potentially be dangerous to the fetus. Women should use highly reliable forms of contraception while going through CMF chemotherapy, and also for a minimum of a few months afterward.