Types of Chemotherapy Pills
Alkalating agents
Alkalating agents are compounds that seek and damage or destory the DNA of cancer cells. While most types chemotherapy pills contain alkalating agents, the pills with the highest concentrations of these compounds are used to treat the most common types of cancer, including lung cancer, breast cancer, Hodgkin's disease, ovarian cancer and lymphomas. Alkalating agents include chlorambucil, buslfan, cisplatin, ifosfamide and carboplatin.
Chemotherapy pills that contain nitrosoureas work to stop enzymes from repairing the DNA of damaged cells. Streptozocin, lomustine and carmustine are all nitrosoureas compounds. They block the work of the enzymes that are trying to repair cells damaged by alkalating agents. These types of pills can be used during any phase of cancer and travel quickly to the brain through the bloodstream, so they are often used to treat brain tumors. They are also used to treat malignant skin cancers.
Pills that contain antimetabolites are used during the S phase of cancer cell growth, which is during early stages of cancer. Antimetabolites stop or slow down the growth of RNA and DNA. Antimetabolite chemotherapy pills contain compounds including 5-flurouacil, pemetrexed, gemcitabine, 6-mercaptopurine, and cytabrine. The pill is used to treat ovarian and breast cancer when caught early, as well as leukemia and any cancers of the gastrointestinal tract.
Not all chemotherapy drugs can be taken in pill form because many of the drugs are harmful to the sensitive lining in the stomach and intestines. In addition, some cannot be absorbed through the lining of the digestive system. Others are destroyed by stomach acid before they can be absorbed.
Taking the pills
Most chemotherapy pills are coated in a protective covering. Once swallowed, the acids in the stomach break down that coating, which frees the medication to be absorbed through the lining of the stomach into the bloodstream. The thickness of the coating varies, allowing for some medications to be absorbed quickly, while others are absorbed slowly. Sub-lingual pills are placed under the tongue, where they dissolve and are absorbed directly into the bloodstream. These pills are used to get medications circulating quickly throughout the body. Medications that may induce vomiting are usually given in this manner, because they are absorbed before the patient can vomit them back up.