Dehydration As Side Effect of Chemotherapy
Appetite and Vomiting
Chemotherapy can cause a loss of appetite. This loss of appetite is often caused by pain and or sores in the mouth and throat. Vomiting is also a side effect of chemotherapy. The lack of fluids being taken in and digested can cause dehydration.
Foods and fluids that are taken in during times of chemotherapy can also be quickly expelled by the body. The resulting diarrhea gives much-needed fluids and vitamins little time to reach muscles and organs in the body.
Fever is a common side effect of chemotherapy. The caner killing chemicals can cause the body temperature to increase. The increased body temperature and sweating causes patients to easily become dehydrated.
Good Cells Attacked
Chemotherapy can also attack needed cells in the body. Chemotherapy can remove water from the body's cells and destroy glands that help the body remain hydrated. Saliva cells are often affected, reducing the bodies ability to create saliva. Reduced saliva causes a dry mouth and the sensation of dehydration.
While undergoing chemotherapy, patients should always have liquids on hand. Some liquids can cause pain or burning sensations. Water and ice chips are two forms of liquids that can sooth mouth pain while also helping keep patients hydrated.