How to Cook for Chemotherapy Patients
Pack their diets full of protein. There are many protein options for chemotherapy patients that should be incorporated into your cooking regimen for every meal. Maintain variety by changing the proteins you cook and serve for the patient on a regular basis. Beans, eggs and fish are all healthy options, as they provide benefits like vitamins and fish oils along with protein. Fish can either be fried, baked, grilled or broiled. You can also change the way eggs are prepared by poaching, boiling, frying or scrambling them to keep your patient enthused.
Add some fresh vegetables whenever possible. Instead of making a simple side of macaroni and cheese on its own, add some boiled spinach or even broccoli to incorporate some healthy vitamins into a fan favorite. Mix in some fresh veggies with meals whenever you get the chance, to help your patient fight cancer and lead a healthier life. Leafy greens like lettuce, spinach and cabbage are all cancer-fighting foods. Fresh chef's salads should be prepared often, using fresh or organic ingredients.
Spice things up a bit. Ground turmeric mixed with black pepper and dissolved in olive oil is not only a cancer-fighting option, but can be used in several ways as a seasoning or even a dressing. Other spices and seasonings to add to a meal are garlic, ginger, onions and leeks, along with most herbs. Also substitute olive oil or canola oil when cooking for a chemotherapy patient to drain the benefits from these foods.
Avoid cooking the patient's favorites on a day when she has chemo treatments. As chemotherapy can have strong negative associations, it may not be wise to make a patient's favorite on the day she has a session. As there may be vomiting on treatment days, or a decreased appetite, stick to foods that will boost the patient's energy instead. This will give your chemotherapy patient something to look forward to and enjoy when she feels better.
Allow him to sometimes choose what he eats. Providing someone with the power of choice is a strong tool that allows him to make choices for himself and feel empowered. Allowing someone who is going through chemotherapy to choose what he wants based on the options you give him will let him know he is cared for and loved. This will also give both of you a chance to see what he likes and doesn't like, for future reference.