After Effects of Chemotherapy
Memory Loss
Some cancer patients experience memory loss or changes related to learning, comprehension and judgment after chemotherapy.
Cognitive Effects
Research has shown that cancer patients who received surgery as well as chemotherapy suffered shrinkage in the area of the brain dealing with cognitive abilities.
Secondary Neoplasia
Secondary neoplasia (usually acute myeloid leukemia) sometimes occurs after chemotherapy, and may be delayed by as much as 30 years.
Immune System
Almost all chemotherapy causes immune system depression, and can lead to a decrease in white and red blood cells, as well as platelets.
Metabolic Complications
Chemotherapy treatment for very large tumors may result in metabolic complications called tumor lysis syndrome, which can be life-threatening if not treated.
Common Side Effects
More common and less dangerous chemotherapy effects include nausea, vomiting, pain, hair loss, anemia, constipation and diarrhea.