Uterine Cancer Chemotherapy Side Effects
A common side effect of uterine cancer chemotherapy is nausea. Uterine cancer chemotherapy targets cells that rapidly divide throughout the body, such as those found in the stomach, resulting in the destruction of healthy stomach tissue.
Sores and Ulcers
Individuals undergoing chemotherapy for uterine cancer may also experience mouth sores and stomach ulcers as a side effect of treatment.
Menstrual Changes
It is common for women undergoing uterine chemotherapy to notice irregularities in their menstrual cycles, such as missing periods, frequent spotting, or longer, heavier periods.
Infection Risk
Vulnerability to infections such as the flu or common colds is also a side effect of uterine cancer chemotherapy.
Hair Loss
Many women who are treating their uterine cancer with chemotherapy will lose hair from all areas of their body.