How to Manage Side Effects from Chemotherapy
Learn how to relax. Find a relaxation method that works for you. You can try meditation, guided imagery, visualization or anything else that reduces your stress.
Get plenty of rest. Sometimes a short nap during the day is helpful. Prioritize what you need to do. Choose what you want to do and allow someone to help with things that need to get done. You may need to readjust your work schedule or take a medical leave.
If you are experiencing chemotherapy induced nausea, talk to your doctor or nurse about anti-nausea medication. There are now a number of medications, administered either by IV or pill, that can help control nausea.
Eat well. A healthy, balanced diet is important for people going through chemotherapy. Sometimes, a series of small meals throughout the day is more manageable than 3 larger meals. Drink plenty of fluids between meals.
Treat your hair gently. Use a mild shampoo, avoid chemical processes and super hot hair dryers. Some people choose to shave their heads in advance. Others choose to wear a scarf, hat or bandana. You can also buy a wig.