How to Manage Skin Conditions From Chemo
Use baking soda to relieve dry and itchy skin. Apply it instead of deodorant and add it to your bath water. Also, apply a water-based itching cream on moist skin.
Take sponge baths or short showers with tepid water. Don't use hot water because that will make the itching worse.
Gently cleanse your skin to keep as much of the natural oil as possible. Cancer patients should never scrub or pull on their skin. Use soap-free cleansers to clean away your makeup without over-drying your skin.
Moisturize your skin in the morning and at night. This will keep the moisture intact and prevent your skin from chapping and cracking, which can lead to infection. Focus on your feet and hands because chemo may cause them to blister and get sore.
Make sure your skin moisturizer contains sunscreen with SPF of at least 15. During chemo, you're more sensitive to UV rays.
Ask your doctor for advice if your skin is changing colors. Stay out of the sun as much as possible. In addition to sunscreen, wear a hat when outside.
Use lip balm or petroleum jelly on dry, cracked lips.