How to Learn About Fatigue Caused by Chemotherapy
Things You'll Need
- Computer with Internet access
Learn more about chemotherapy and fatigue through Web sites such as the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute (see Resources below). The National Cancer Institute has a comprehensive list of chemotherapy side effects, including fatigue, as well as suggestions for how to cope with them.
Learn what is normal fatigue during chemotherapy and what might be a sign of anemia caused by chemotherapy. Keep your doctor informed of your condition throughout your treatment.
Prepare to change your lifestyle to accommodate the effects of fatigue. Schedule naps and making sure you get enough rest.
Ask other cancer survivors what they did to cope with fatigue. You can also ask your doctor, a treatment center or your insurance provider for written information and tips on dealing with the fatigue associated with cancer.
Prepare your bedroom so you can sleep restfully. Invest in earplugs or a fan if you live in an area that's noisy. Purchase comfortable bedding and pillows to ensure a good night's sleep.
Some people find the fatigue caused by chemotherapy to be emotionally or psychologically taxing. You may want to learn about relaxation techniques or complementary therapies to help you cope with the mental effects of the fatigue associated with cancer.