What Are the Main Foods That Can Cause Colon Cancer?
Red meat digests slowly and takes a long time to pass through the colon. Heavy consumption of beef is related to colon cancer, according to the Harvard Medical School's Family Health Guide.
Grilled Foods
Grilling foods produces HCAs, or heterocyclic amines, which can cause cancer, according to The Cancer Project. The study reports that the five worst foods to grill are skinless, boneless chicken breast, steak, pork, salmon and hamburger.
According to the University of Illinois, foods with grease, butter and margarine, along with fried foods, can weaken your body and increase the risk of colon cancer.
The Siteman Cancer Center reports that regular consumption of alcohol increases the risk of colon cancer as alcohol can cause abnormal cell changes and decrease folate levels, vitamins that help fight cancer.
A diet based on fruits and vegetables can help prevent colon cancer. According to the University of Illinois, the fiber in produce is cleansing and helps remove other, fattier foods from the colon.
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