Patient Information About Hemoccult Tests
Hemoccult is a brand name testing solution for the fecal occult blood test. The purpose of the test is to find blood in stool samples.
When Hemoccult is added to your stool sample, the solution will turn blue in the presence of blood.
Blood hidden in stool is a common early sign of colorectal cancer, and the American Cancer Society recommends that a fecal occult blood test like Hemoccult be performed annually for people over the age of 50. In addition, the presence of blood in stools is also a sign of other health conditions like Crohn's disease, intestinal ischemia, peptic ulcers and colitis, reports the Mayo Clinic.
Hemoccult tests are less invasive and unpleasant than endoscopy or other tests used to screen for colorectal cancer, reports the makers of Hemoccult.
For the week before you collect your Hemoccult test sample, avoid taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxen. You should also avoid red meat and avoid taking more than 250mg of vitamin C per day for the three days prior to specimen collection.