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How to Prep for a Colonoscopy

Before Your Colonoscopy

One week before your colonoscopy:

- Ask your doctor about any medications or supplements you should stop taking before the procedure.

- Begin a low-fiber diet.

- Avoid eating seeds, nuts, corn, and popcorn.

Three days before your colonoscopy:

- Start drinking plenty of fluids, such as water, tea, and clear broth.

- Continue to follow a low-fiber diet.

- Avoid eating red meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, and eggs.

The day before and the day of your colonoscopy:

- Drink only clear liquids, such as water, tea, and clear broth.

- Do not eat any solid food.

- Take the laxative prescribed by your doctor.

- Follow the instructions provided by your doctor regarding your pre-colonoscopy bowel preparation.

- Arrive at your appointment for your colonoscopy on time and bring your ID and insurance information.

During Your Colonoscopy

During the colonoscopy, your doctor will insert a thin, flexible tube with a camera on the end into your rectum and guide it through your entire colon. The camera will send images of your colon to a monitor, allowing your doctor to examine the lining of your colon for any abnormalities.

If any abnormalities are found during the colonoscopy, your doctor may take a biopsy or remove polyps. A biopsy involves taking a small sample of tissue from the colon for further examination. A polypectomy involves removing polyps from the colon.

After Your Colonoscopy

After your colonoscopy, you will be taken to a recovery room where you will be monitored for any complications. You may feel bloated or have some abdominal discomfort, which should go away within a few hours. You may also be given antibiotics to help prevent infection.

Your doctor will discuss the results of your colonoscopy with you and recommend any further treatment or follow-up care that may be necessary.

Recovery from a colonoscopy typically takes a few days. During this time, you may experience some bloating, cramping, and diarrhea. You may also feel tired and weak. It is important to rest and drink plenty of fluids to help your body recover.

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