Untreated Colon Cancer Prognosis
Colon cancer can progress without symptoms manifesting in the early stages. Untreated colon cancer leads to unexplained weight loss and significant changes in bowel habits.
When a diagnosis of colon cancer is made, the disease is staged to determine the progression of the illness to other areas of the body. Colon cancer in stage 0 has a 90 percent survival rate over five years, while stage IV cancer has a survival rate of less than 5 percent over five years, according to alternative-cancer-treatments.com.
The earlier that colon cancer is detected, the better the prognosis. Colon cancer must be treated to prevent the less than 5 percent survival rate prognosis of later-stage colon cancer.
The prognosis for colon cancer becomes worse with the passage of time. Colon cancer screening beginning at age 50 prevents the dismal prognosis of untreated stage IV colon cancer.
The prognosis for colon cancer when it reaches the later stages of the disease serves as a warning to patients to screen for the disease.