Signs of Colon Cancer in a Male
Constipation is often one of the first symptoms for the onset of colon cancer in males or females. Because a tumor may be developing inside your colon, this can obstruct the passage of bile and waste, causing constipation. If you have difficulty having a bowel movement, or are severely straining to have bowel movements, you should consult your doctor. You should be aware of changes in bowel habits, such as going more frequently or less frequently. Both could be a sign of a problem.
Narrowing of the Stool
As a tumor may be forming inside the colon, it can obstruct the path of waste materials and cause a narrowing of the stool. Because the path for waste is obstructed, there is less space for the stool to pass through. This causes a significant narrowing of the stool, and sometimes may leave you with a feeling of an incomplete bowel movement.
Stomach Cramps and Pain
Stomach cramping can appear for a multitude or reasons. Stomach cramping can occur because of constipation or may be related to the effects of the tumor pushing against bowel walls. This obstruction can also cause stomach pain as it can obstruct gas, not letting it properly move down the colon and out the body. Stomach cramping is not always a sign of colon cancer, but if you are feeling consistent stomach pain, along with other symptoms, you should consult your doctor.
Rectal Bleeding
If you notice blood in the stool or coming out of the rectum after a bowel movement you should consult your doctor immediately. Rectal bleeding is often caused by the bleeding of the tumor. It is not uncommon to damage inner colon walls while suffering from a tumor, resulting in further rectal bleeding. A doctor can perform a fecal occult blood test to find out if your rectal bleeding is due to colon cancer or some other problem.
Vomiting and Nausea
If you are suffering from nausea and vomiting while having some of these other symptoms you may want to consult with your doctor. Nausea and vomiting are common signs that a tumor is obstructing the colon and may cause air and gas to be trapped.
Unexplained Weight Loss
Unexplained weight loss can occur for several reasons related to colon cancer, although doctors are not entirely sure why. They think it may be related to the effects of a tumor contained within the colon walls, obstructing the ability of the body to properly absorb nutrients. Some experts have speculated that weight loss occurs primarily because of the physical strain and toll of the disease.
Other Signs of Colon Cancer
Some other possible signs of colon cancer are anemia, fatigue, feeling the need to have a bowel movement after just going, a yellowing around the eyes, which is known as jaundice, and loss of appetite. If you are having any of these symptoms mixed in with other symptoms, consult your physician immediately.