Cetuximab Side Effects
Common Side Effects
Approximately 89 percent of cetuximab users report fatigue and skin rashes, making these the most common side effects of the drug. Generalized body pain and pain confined to the abdomen are also common, occurring in at least 51 percent of users. Another 40 percent to 50 percent of cetuximab users experience dry skin, itching, shortness of breath and constipation.
Other Side Effects
Cetuximab also has the potential to cause a number of other troublesome or annoying, but not dangerous, side effects. Some patients experience gastrointestinal side effects from the drug, such as nausea, dry mouth, irritation of the stomach lining and vomiting. Neurological effects such as insomnia, confusion, anxiety or depression are also possible while taking cetuximab. Other side effects of the drug include thinning of the fingernails, fever, chills, headache, bone pain and coughing.
Sensitivity Reactions
In some cases, use of cetuximab infusions results in a sudden reaction due to sensitivity or allergy to the medication. This occurs in approximately 2 percent to 5 percent of patients who receive intravenous doses of the drug, normally during the first treatment. At times, these reactions cause only minor side effects, such as hoarseness or a high-pitched squeak during inhalation. In other patients, the reactions are more severe, causing an inability to breathe and a dangerous drop in blood pressure. Infrequently, the reaction causes loss of consciousness, heart attack or cardiac arrest. Cetuximab reactions are fatal in one out of every 1,000 cases.
In addition to minor side effects and the risk of sensitivity reactions, cetuximab has the potential to cause serious medical complications. Use of cetuximab causes a decrease in potassium levels in the blood stream. Over time, this can lead to a condition called hypokalemia, which can damage or interfere with the heart and cardiovascular system. In some patients, cetuximab causes serious skin infections at the injection site, such as cellulitis and skin abscesses. Sudden death occurs in approximately 2 percent of cetuximab users, typically 27 to 43 days after the final dose of the drug.
Cetuximab has the potential to cause miscarriages and fetal death and is avoided during pregnancy. In addition, the drug is not typically used in children because of its possible adverse effects. If you have ever had an allergic reaction to a medication that contained mouse protein, your doctor will most likely choose another chemotherapy drug for you due to the risk of a sensitivity reaction. In addition, cetuximab may not be safe for you to take if you have congestive heart failure, arrhythmia, lung disease or coronary arteries.