Primary Prevention for Colon Cancer
Abnormal cell growth polyps can take 10 or 15 years to form into colon cancer, according to the American Cancer Society, so the best way to lower your risk is to get checked for polyps through a colonoscopy. If you have no risk factors for colon cancer, you should begin regular screening at age 50. If you have a family risk of colon cancer or polyps, consider getting genetic testing to determine your risk profile. The criteria for a heightened risk of colon cancer include having three relatives with colorectal cancer over two generations, with one a close bond such as a parent, child or sibling, and at least one who developed the disease before the age of 50. Keep in mind that even with a heightened risk profile, you may not develop the disease--and there are many things you can do to prevent colon cancer.
Eating more fruits and vegetables and avoiding red meat will help lower your risk for developing colon cancer. Because polyps that develop on the inside of your colon can turn cancerous, eating foods that prevent these polyps is a good step toward prevention. Avoid meats, refined sugar and refined flour, and eat foods high in fiber that help push waste out of your colon. Increase your water intake--drinking water prevents constipation and helps keep your bowel active.
According to the American Cancer Society, obesity raises the risk of developing colon cancer, especially in men. You should engage in at least 30 to 60 minutes of moderate physical activity at least five days a week. Things you can do include walking briskly, gardening, washing your car or bicycling. According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute regular exercise, will lower your blood pressure, leading to whole-body health benefits and helping to prevent many other types of cancer and disease as well.
Other Factors
Certain vitamins and minerals may lower the risk of getting colorectal cancer, but not all studies have pointed to the same results. Taking vitamin D may reduce the risk of colon cancer, but because exposure to vitamin D from sunlight increases the likelihood of getting skin cancer, most doctors do not recommended sunbathing. Calcium also seems to decrease the risk of colon cancer, but taking large amounts of calcium seems to increase the risk of prostrate cancer in men. Taking a mutlivitamin containing folic acid, magnesium, calcium and vitamin D may decrease colon cancer risk. The use of aspirin or female hormones could also lower the likelihood of colorectal cancer, but could cause health problems in other areas.
There have been no conclusive studies regarding the effectiveness of colon cleanses on preventing colon cancer. In that these detoxes may remove impacted fecal material related to the formation of polyps, they could be expected to lower risk--but this only holds true if colon cleanses actually remove polyps. More research is needed to determine the effectiveness of these procedures.